Milton High School Social Studies Courses
Welcome to the High School Social Studies Curriculum page. To view course descriptions and syllabi please scroll to the class name and click the subject.

Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
US History 2 | World History | American Government | |
Honors World History | AP US History | AP US History | |
AP European History | AP European History | AP European History | |
Ancient Civilizations & Mythology | Ancient Civilizations & Mythology |
US History 2
US History 2 is designed to teach students about their cultural and intellectual heritage. Students will explore the economic, social and political events that have shaped the United States from 1866 – Present. Cause and effect relationships will be emphasized throughout the course. Some of the topics covered will include the road to Reconstruction, American Westward Expansion, American Imperialism, Reform Movements in the early 20th Century, the Great Depression, American involvement in two world wars, the Cold War, and the United States in the world today.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – US History II
World History
World History is designed to teach students about the political, economic, and cultural traditions that have formed the basis for modern western civilization. Students will explore the relationship between the western nations and other regions of the globe from the 1400s to the present day. Major topics will include the Renaissance and Reformation, Age of Exploration, Enlightenment & French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, World War I, World War II and the Cold War & Decolonization. The course also includes introductory units on Classical Greece, the Roman Empire and European Middle Ages.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – World History
Honors World History
Honors World History is designed to teach students about the political, economic, and cultural traditions that have formed the basis for modern western civilization. Students will explore the relationship between the western nations and other regions of the globe from the 1400s to the present day. Major topics will include the Renaissance and Reformation, Age of Exploration, Enlightenment & French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, World War I, World War II and the Cold War & Decolonization. The Honors sections of this course will include a greater emphasis on writing and historical analysis.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – Honors World History 10
AP European History
The study of European History since 1450 introduces students to cultural, economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world in which we live. This is an upper level history course for juniors and seniors. There is a summer reading assignment that must be successfully completed to gain entry into the course. All students are required to take the AP exam near the end of the year. This course will meet every day for one year.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – AP European History
American Government
This course is about government in the United States, the way it is organized, the way in which it is controlled by the people, and the various ways in which it completes its various responsibilities. Our American system of government is very dynamic. It is always changing, adapting, and growing, even though its fundamental principles and its basic structure remain constant. This course will attempt to take the many conflicting parts (Constitution, Congress, The Presidency, Courts, Political Parties, Electoral Process, and Civil Liberties) and show how they interrelate in forming the most unique government ever created by man. The academic section will also place special emphasis on economic principles and how they relate to the free enterprise system. This course meets every day for one year.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – American Government
AP US History
The AP Program in United States History is designed to provide students with analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in United States History. The program prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by introductory college level course. Students will learn to assess historical materials – their relevance to a given interpretive problem, their reliability, and their importance – and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. This course will also help students develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format. A summer reading assignment with a written assessment must be successfully completed to gain entry into the course. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Test near the end of the school year.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – AP US History
Ancient Civilizations & Mythology
Ancient Civilizations & Mythology is designed to teach students about the political, economic, and cultural traditions of ancient groups that have formed the foundation for modern civilization. Students will explore major contributions to civilization beginning with Ancient Egypt and ending with Feudal Japan in the 16th century. The class will also examine mythological stories of prominent civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Greeks & Romans and Norse. Additional topics covered will include Mesopotamia, Ancient India, Ancient American civilizations, Middle Ages Europe and the Rise of Islam.
Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – SS – Ancient Civilizations Mythology