Administrative and Office Positions

Milton Area School District | 700 Mahoning Street | Milton, PA 17847 | Phone: 570-742-7614 | Email: Staff Directory




Dr. John Bickhart

Accounts Payable

Heidi Schultz

Accounts Receivable

Darren Tull

Act 48

Andrew Rantz

Assessment/Testing Coordinator

Courtney Hamm

Athletic Director

Rodney Harris

Business Administrator

Derrek Fink

Child Accounting

Sarah Kitchen

CTE Coordinator

Andrew Rantz

Curriculum K - 3rd 

Greg Scoggins

Curriculum 4th - 5th

Catherine Girton

Curriculum 6th - 12th 

Andrew Rantz

Cyber Education

Kim Zelonis

Director of Facilities

Jeff Hoffman

Director of Secondary Education

Andrew Rantz

Director of Student Services

Catherine Girton

Facility Use/Rental

Darren Tull

Federal Programs Coordinator

Greg Scoggins

Food Services

Ashley Reese

Guidance Secretary

Monica Johnson

Homeless Students

Sarah Kitchen

Human Resources

Gregory Edinger


Courtney Hamm

Principal - Baugher Elementary

David Slater

Principal - White Deer Elementary

Julie Lohr

Asst. Principal - Elementary

Lee Kaar

Principal - Middle School

Seth Decker

Asst. Principal - Middle School

Adam Paulhamus

Principal - High School

Michael Bergey

Asst. Principal - High School

W. Max Campbell

Safe Schools

Catherine Girton


Monica Johnson

Student Registration

Sarah Kitchen

Tax Collection

Darren Tull


Duane Gemberling

Title IX Coordinator

Derrek Fink


Darren Tull

Working Papers

Monica Johnson