Milton High School Guidance

Contact Information (or use the contact form below):

Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Counselor – 742-7614 ext. 3025  (Students A-L)
Mr. David Newell, Counselor – 742-7614 ext. 3022  (Students M-Z)
Mrs. Monica Johnson, Guidance Secretary – 742-7614 ext. 3021

Career Plan of Study

Withdrawal Procedure

Students moving from Milton Area Schools should inform the school office at least three days in advance.

Any student who plans to move or withdraw from school should discuss this with a guidance counselor as soon as possible. On the last day of attendance, a parent must come in and sign the withdrawal form. The pupil must report to the guidance office to get the withdrawal form and complete all school obligations before final withdrawal approval.

Temporary Withdrawal Due to Pregnancy:
The Milton Area School District encourages girls who are pregnant to continue with their education; however, temporary withdrawal from school may be medically necessary.

The following procedure shall be followed for a temporary withdrawal:

  • Student notifies her guidance counselor and makes arrangements for temporary withdrawal.

  • Student contacts teachers to obtain assignments.

  • During the period of absence, it is the student’s responsibility to return completed work to teachers and to pick up additional and continuing assignments. All assignments must be satisfactorily completed.

Student Records

Information for student records is collected and maintained in accord with federal guidelines for privacy and access.

If a student transfers to another school district, his/her permanent record, testing record and health record are forwarded upon receipt of written notification of admission.

High school transcripts are released only upon written authorization from a parent or eligible student.

Students requesting high school transcripts should print out and complete the “Records Release Form.” Costs of transcripts are $2.00 each. If sending a check, please make it payable to Milton Area School District. If information is complete and correct the transcripts will be mailed within 12 to 24 hours upon receiving the request.

Mail completed form to:

Guidance Office
Milton Senior High School
700 Mahoning Street
Milton PA 17847

Transcript Request and Release Form

2024-2025 Course Book

2025-2026 Course Book

Guidance News